LACMA lights
Enjoying the evening lights at LACMA with Pamela, my sister, Lisa, and nephew, Ry. Thank you Chris Burden!
Enjoying the evening lights at LACMA with Pamela, my sister, Lisa, and nephew, Ry. Thank you Chris Burden!
Who better than Marcel Duchamp to come up with the perfect gesture for this holiday. “Coeurs volantes” or fluttering hearts.
Artist and photographer Matthew Brandt studies early photographic processes and uses them in his work. These 8″x10″ polaroids are his hommage to Edwin Land, the inventor of the Polaroid process and founder of the Polaroid Corporation. Naturally, Brandt enlightens us with his usual wry sense of irony.
I have always admired the work of Italian designer, painter and sculptor Piero Fornasetti. His work is identified by his distinctive black and white engraving style. He became obsessed with the opera soprano, Lina Cavalieri when he discovered her face in a 19th-century magazine and created hundreds of objects and products featuring her likeness. “What inspired me to create more than 500 variations on the face of a woman?” asks Italian designer, Piero Fornasetti…
Just saw the film, Pride. It knocked me out. Nothing to say, just see it!
I was driving to a meeting today, when I spotted what is perhaps one of America’s greatest POP icons — the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile. I can remember how excited I would get as a child whenever it would show up at our local supermarket. Can’t say I was quite that excited to see it now. But you have to admit, it’s pretty cool!
Last night I saw Still Life, an exhibition of new work by Los Angeles-based artist Doug Aitken. Spanning a variety of media encompassing photography, sculpture, publications, sound, and single and multi-channel video installations, Aitken’s work explores the modern landscape and posits possibilities for new uncharted frontiers.
99 Cent Stores meet your competition! I shot this somewhere on Pico Boulevard.